Memorial Day signals the beginning of the summer travel season. It also signals a higher risk time for unsafe driving, motor vehicle crashes and fatalities. In a unified effort to help prevent traffic deaths and injuries, AAA Michigan and the Michigan State Police are partnering on Operation C.A.R.E. or Crash Awareness and Reduction Efforts. The purpose of this initiative is to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities resulting from crashes caused by dangerous driving behaviors. Operation C.A.R.E. banners will be up at 54 rest areas across the state during Memorial Day weekend, July 4th holiday and Labor Day weekend. Many volunteer groups will be at the rest stops serving coffee, in cups featuring the Operation C.A.R.E. logo, and also providing traffic safety information.
“We are proud to partner with the Michigan State Police to bring attention to the need for all drivers to be alert behind the wheel,” said Heather Drake, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs, AAA Michigan. “This awareness effort emphasizes the need for all motorists to avoid distracted driving and take a break every two hours. Last year during the three summer holidays a total of 38 lives were lost on Michigan roads. We hope to make our roads safer this summer season through this awareness campaign.”